Dewi Rochsantiningsih


Distinguish Delegates and Guests, Respected Invited Speakers,

Dear Presenters and Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,


Assalamu‟alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good morning,


As the Chairperson and on behalf of the organising committee, I  am delighted to welcome  you  all  to  the  second International  Conference  on  Teacher  Training  and Education (ICTTE) 2016, hosted by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. And welcome back to all of you who attended the previous conference of ICTTE 2015, really appreciated to be back here again with us. The role of information and technology (IT) in teacher training and education has been flourished over the last 20 years that consequently leads to the changes in many aspects of education. While the implementation of IT  in teacher training and education is supporting, however, at  the  same time,  many researchers have reflected about the reasons why, for example, the use of computers in education has not been as successful as expected.  There are many reasons to mention behind the failure, such as teachers' inability to adapt their teaching with the IT approach; the introduction of computers in education did not start from the educational need or as requested by the teachers. The key question of this conference is then, whether and to what extend the Institution of Teacher Training and Education develops, implements, manages, and accommodates pre-service teacher training programs to prepare teachers teach and students learn that reflect the optimizing use of IT; and how IT in teacher education shape the direction and policy of the institutions.

The theme of this exciting forum is „Strengthening IT and Innovation of Teacher Training Education in the Era of Global Competitiveness‟, which embraces six main topics,  including:  (1)  institutional  quality  of  teacher  training  &  education,  (2) curriculum of teacher training & education, (3) innovation in teaching, learning, and assessment of teacher training & education, (4) IT based educational research and community services of teacher training & education, and (5) course development and teaching practices in teacher training & education, (6) school based practices.

ICTTE 2016 is conducted to provide a forum for researcher, academicians, teachers, school principals, government agencies, consultants to share their insights related to the current  trends  in  education  from  the  perspective  of  institution  quality  assurance, curriculum, innovative teaching, educational research, course development and teaching practice. For this conference, we invited seven plenary speakers with solid expertice from different countries and regions. We are extremely grateful to: (1) Shao-Ting Alan Hung, Ph.D - National Taiwan University of Science and Technology; (2)  Dr. Chai Ching Sing - Learning Sciences and TechnologiesAcademic GroupNational Institute of Education, Singapore; (3) Dr. Uma Natarajan - The Head Foundation Singapore; (4) Dr. Abi Sujak - Director of SEAMOLEC; (5) Dr. Ir. Ari Santoso, DEA - Director of Center for Information and Technology, The Ministry of Education and Culture; (6) Dr. Eng. Agus Setiawan- Asosiasi Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan Indonesia (APTEKINDO); and  (7)  Prof.  Nunuk Suryani-  Faculty  of  Teacher  Training  and Education Sebelas Maret University. These speakers will present different lines of scholarship in  the  area  of IT  in  teacher education. We  owe so  much to  you, the distinguish speakers who have taken time out of your busy schedules to share your experience with us these days. Many of you have traveled long distances to be with us and we appreciate your willingness to openly share your knowledge and experiences.

In addition, we reviewed and selected 177 abstracts for concurrent session of presentations. We believe that we can learn plenty of things from different presenters. This 2016 conference is attended by more than 250 participants coming from different counties and regions in and beyond Indonesia. Selected papers will be published in indexed journal.

The conference is not able to come into a reality without wholehearted support from many parties. Therefore, on behave of the committee, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my appreciation to the Rector of Sebelas Maret University, the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, the invited plenary speakers, paper  presenters,  reviewers,  delegates  and  guests,  participants,  and  all  sponsoring

agencies (FKIP UNS, APTEKINDO, TEFLIN) that have supported us to host this

conference. In  addition, my sincere thanks go to  my organizing team and  student volunteers for their un-tiring efforts to make this conference as a memorable one.

I wish all the presenters and participants a fruitful and memorable experience at the second ICTTE 2016 in Solo. Last but not least, I do hope we will meet again at the third International Conference on Teacher Training and Education, ICTTE 2017.


Thank you.

Wassalamu‟alaikum warahmatullahi wawarakatuh.

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