Development of Integrated Science Module be based on Scientific Approach in the Connected Integration to Improve of The Students Critical Thinking Skill

Widha Sunarno, Sukarmin Sukarmin, Supurwoko Supurwoko, Bertha Wikara


The objectives of the research are: 1) to understand the characteristics of integrated science module; 2) to understand the feasibility of integrated science module; scientific-based natural science module on the subject matter interaction of living beings with environment; 3) to understand the effectiveness of integrated science module. This research is research and development (R&D) that use Four-D model have four step that are: define, design, develop, and disseminate. The subject of limited trial done to nine students of VII class in junior high school and wide scale trials conducted to thirty students of VII class in junior high school another. The utility testing was performed using pre-experimental design, OneShot Case Study kind. The analysis technique used descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The result of the research shows that: 1) The characteristics of integrated science module be based of scientific approach in the connected integration to improve the student critical thinking skill module has been successfully developed by Four-D development model. 2) Feasibility of the integrated science module is validated by expert validator, education practitioners, peer-review also the respond given by the teachers and students after learning module using the obtained results that module has excellent category and fit for use in learning. 3) The average critical thinking skills of students in the first learning activities is 72,97% with enough category, in the second learning activities have increased 85,72% with good category and the third learning activities have increased 89,32% with good category. The average of students achievement in the first learning activities aspects of knowledge 3,22 with good category and increased to the second also third learning activities 3,32 and 3,50 with good category. The average of students achievement aspect of attitude increase from the first until the third learning activities row to be 3,25; 3,36; 3,47 with good category. The average of students achievement aspect of skill increase from the first until the third learning activities row to be 3,07; 3,30; 3,45 with good category. Can be concluded that integrated science module be based of scientific approach in the connected integration to improve the student critical thinking skill is effective to improve critical thinking skills and achievement of students.

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