Herlina Herlina, Andayani Andayani, Herman J. Waluyo, Budhi Setiawan


Gawai Dayak is part of the ritual culture of the Dayak people in Kalimantan Barat. This ritual is
performed after the rice harvest as an expression of gratitude to God for the abundance of agricultural
produce. Some material ritual Gawai Dayak have relevance to the subject Literature for this ritual
synonymou s with everything that is nuanced literature although it is actually a cultural product. This is
the reason researchers to further explore that can be used as teaching material Literature. This study
used descriptive qualitative method. The data in this st udy Gawai Dayak ritual. Sources of data in this
research is the ritual procession Gawai Dayak. Data collection techniques in this study using observation
and recording.

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