Implementation of Functional Literacy Education by Participatory Learning as Effort of Lifelong Learning

Mintarsih Arbarini, Sri Jutmini, Soetarno Djoyoatmojo, Sutarno Sutarno


The purpose of this present research was to describe and analyze the implementation of functional literacy education by using participative learning for rural society as an effort of lifelong learning. Functional literacy education was implemented to develop basic literacy skill which integrated by functional life skill oriented to daily life and learning environment. The present research used qualitative approach. This research was conducted in Semarang district with research subject were learning society, tutor, and literacy organizer. Data collecting method used observation, deep interview, and documentation. Data analysis used qualitative descriptive including reducing data, presenting data, and making conclusion. The results of present research were: 1) Lifelong acceleration learning effort through implementation of functional literacy education was conducted by socialization, planning, and organizing stage which involved related people, 2) Functional literacy education by using participative learning including reading, writing, calculating, speaking, and listening were integrated by life skills and local potentials were proved to be able to increase learning motivation, family economic, and life quality of learning society, 3) the effects functional literacy learning as an effort to lifelong learning for rural society including the developing of the effort as business practice and empowering learning society with life skills toward independence.

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