Implementation Wave Kit as Efforts to Increase Student Learning Skills
The research is determining the increase science process skills on the subject of the waves. In this study apply the lesson study at each cycle consists of a Plan, Do, See and be done two cycles in learning based practical laboratory. An observation science process skill is performed at the learning science based experiments laboratory. The results of the study the average indicator of science process skills in the open class 1 is 2.8 (good) and the open class 2 is 3.1 (good). Based on the research that the use of the wave kit learning based practical laboratory effectively improve indicators skills of the student learning process, such as 1) Viewing Using the Five Senses, 2) Identifying and Using the tools, materials and resources to be used in the lab / learning, 3) Read, understand and perform procedures of work at laboratory, 4) Communicating, writing, ideas - the basic idea of the findings / observations.
Keywords: process skills, lesson study, wave kit
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