The Application of Guided Inquiry Model On Physic Learning To Improve Scientific Attitude And Students’ Analysis Ability

Rulita Niana, Sarwanto sarwanto, Evlin Yusliana Ekawati


This research aims to improve scientific attitude and students’ analysis ability at class XI MIPA 2 of Senior High School Batik 2 Surakarta academic year 2015/2016 on Physic learning.  This research used a Classroom Actoin Research with Kemmis and Mc. Taggart model that was held in three cycles. Each cycle was started with prearation stage and implementation stage consisting of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Based on study and data analysis of this research, it can be concluded that: (1) the application of guided inquiry model on Physic learning can improve students’ scientific attitude.  Moreover,  it  can  be  seen  from  observation  cycle  I  to  cycle  III students’ scientific attitude improve and all indicators have reached the target of succes in cycle III. The percentage students’ have entered into good category are 44,5 % in cycle I, 70,5 % in cycle II, and 91,9 % in cycle III; (2) the application of guided inquiry model on Physic learning can improve students’ analysis ability. The percentage of students’ analysis ability improve from 28,6 % in cycle I to 60 % in cycle II, and 77,1 % in cycle III

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