Utilization of Review of Malay Folklore in West Kalimantan As Literature Learning Materials in The University
theuniversity. The main idea reviewed in this study was the importance of folklore function because
folklore can revealed the thinking way of the native speaker community. The folklore function can be
used to foster human society as educate the children, provide motivation, and improve behavior and
personality. The review results of folklore function can support the literature appreciation of students,
which in principle can influence the literature learning. Furthermore, the utilization of Malay folklore
function in West Kalimantan as the learning material is an effort to revive the Malays folklore to be
widely known. The study method was used the descriptive qualitative method with the document
analysis. The study object is the text of Malay folklore in West Kalimantan. The study data is the
literature function contained in the Malay folklore of West Kalimantan. The study result can be used
as a strategy of oral literature preservation to the younger generation. Literature learning objectives
can be achieved by creating a learning that leads to the formation of social and cultural life in the student
self. Thus, lecturers can take advantages of Malay folklore as local culture product as literature learning
material in the university.
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