The Development of Blended Learning-Based Self-Learning on Classroom Action Research Training Material to Improve Teachers Professionalism

Gunawan Setiadi, Soetarno Joyoatmojo, Sajidan Sajidan, Soeharto Soeharto


he aim of this study is to develop an self-learning model based on the blended learning for classroom action research training materials to improve the professionalism of Junior High School teachers in Pati regency, Central Java. The study used Research and Development method. It consists of four main steps. They are preliminary study, model development stage, model testing stage and dissemination stage. The technique of data collection used in this study was interviews, questionnaires and study documents. The data were analyzed by using interactive data analysis. The training of classroom action research at school is still focused on the mastery of the material. It has not been followed up by research and there is no supervision from advisors. The development of this blended learning-based self-learning can improve teachers performance in conducting classroom action research and enhance their ability in compiling the research report.

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