Psychological Analysis of Novel Kerumunan Terakhir by Okky Madasari, The Value of Character Education, and Teaching Materials of Indonesian College in University

Rio Devilito, Nugraheni Wardani, Kundharu Saddhono


The research aims to describe (1) psycological conflict experienced by the main character; (2)
psycological symtomps affecting in behavior aspect of main character to solve the problem of life;
(3) the value of characterized-education in the novel entitled Kerumunan Terakhir which is
relevant and it is as a material of Indonesian learning in university level. The method used in this
research is descriptive qualitative based on descriptive data that has been found in the research.
The main source of data in the research is about the quotation contained in the novel and the
interview result with the literature expert. The result of study is about relevance of Kerumunan
Terakhir novel with the learning of Indonesian in university. The content of the novel is suitable
with the life of student and also the values contained in it can be taken as moral value to undergo
the daily life and give moral lesson, ethics, and humanity in the middle of modernadvancedtechnology.

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