Development of Arcs (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) Based Learning Media in Craft and Entrepreneur Course to Improve Students’ Performance

Dyah Ayu Mentari, Trisno Martono, Tri Murwaningsih


Learning system conducted nowadays was still centered on teachers. Whereas teachers were supposed to create a learning process which could improve creativity, by following the development of technology in education. The purposes of this study were: 1) Analyzing the requirements to develop of ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) Based Learning Media in Craft and Entrepreneur Course; Analyzing the effectiveness of ARCS (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction). This study utilized Borg and Gall model to develop ARCS. Data was collected by questionnaire and observation, and further descriptively analyzed. Three experts did validation of the ARCS based learning media and was proved to be valid on materials with  80.05%  of  good  category,  on  media  with  81.63%  of  good  category,  and practitioner rate with 98% of very good category. T-test formula was used to analyze the effectiveness of ARCS. The score of tcalculation got from the post test of control group and experiment group was 3.461 and the score of ttable was 1.99. Since tcalculation>ttable, it proved that the improvement of students performance in Craft and Entrepreneur Course in experiment group was higher than the ones in control group.


Keywords: Learning Media, ARCS, Craft and Entrepreneur

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