Pengaruh Pengumuman Kebijakan Quantitative Easing Oleh The Fed Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Di Indonesia

Nur Muhammad Awalurridha, Muh Juan Suam Toro


The purpose of this research was to obtain the effect of the announcement of quantitative easing policy executed by The FED on the stock prices of manufacture companies in Indonesia. Sample used in this research was divided into 2 groups. Those groups contained 65 manufacture companies for the event 1 dan 79 manufacture companies for the event 2. Two groups of samples were selected by purposivesampling technique. To fulfil the criteria of the data, each companies has to hold the completed stock prices data, to not distribute their dividend, to not have immovable stock prices and to be listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) 2015 as the criteria. Testing methods used in this research were one sample t-test and paired sample t-test. Overall, this research indicated that the announcement of quantititave easing policy by the FED influences the abnormal return of the manufacture companies in Indonesia and it only affected the stock boom.

Keywords: quantitative easing, abnormal return, stock prices

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