Paryanto Paryanto, Sunu Herwi Pranolo


Biogas is one of kinds of renewable alternative energy. It can used for partial substitute of unrenewable energy. Biogas is made from  fermentation process organic waste (solid or liquid) from home industry, agricultural, animal. With the major compositon is methane gas, it can used for fuel and raw material of other chemicals, for example are hydrogen, ammonia etc. Although biogas has many of  advantages,  But it has a  problem about the high carbon dioxide composition. So biogas need a process purification from carbon dioxide composition. One of  The purification process of biogas is absorption process with absorbent. In the research Ca(OH)2  solution is used for it’s absorbent. The research  study absorption carbon dioxide with Ca(OH)2 in the absorber column with kinds of  absorber fill material  from chemical reaction. The variable is used in the research is space time of Ca(OH)2 solution  in the absorber column and the conversion of CO2 absorp which can calculate from conversion of absorbent solution. For known conversion of Ca(OH)2, a solution Ca(OH)2 from absorber column which absorp gas CO2 is taken  each 10 minute for  1 hour. Sample (Ca(OH)2 solution) is analyzed with acidymetre-alkalymetre method. HCl 0.1 N Solution  is used for analyze CaCO3 product and  HCl 0.1 N solution combine with BaCl 0.1 N to analyze remainCa(OH)2 for calculate conversion of CO2. Result of this research is reaction rate constant for absorber fill material marbles, plastic pipe, ceramic, wood, and roof-tile are (0.781), (0.464), (0.916), (0.637), dan (0.987) .

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