Arif Jumari, Sunu H Pranolo


Potash is one of the elements, beside Nitrogen and Phosphate, needed by plants.Potasium Sulphate is one of the fertilizers as sourches of potash element.Potasium Sulphate could be sinthesized from mineral material or by chemical reaction. The chemical reaction producing potasium sulphate could be done by reacting solution containing potash and solution containing sulphate. Naturally, substance of potash is contained in banana tree and sulphate could be found in water of Dieng Crater. Banana tree was pressed to obtain water containing potash. Both water from banana tree and water of Dieng Crater were then reacted to produce potasium sulphate. The kinetic parameters of reaction between water from banana tree and water of Dieng Crater was investigated. The research was carried out batchwise. Water from banana tree and water of Dieng Crater with a certain ratio of volume were filled into reactor at a constant temperature. The change of potash concentration was determined every time interval. The reaction order with respect to potash concentrarion and sulphate concentration were found as 1.82 and 1.03, respectively, and the reaction rate constant at temperatur xrc, 4(f and sec were 52.1967 mol/1.s, 53.2882 mol/1.s, 54.3609 mol/1.s, repectively.

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