Indexed by:
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Biro Pusat Statistik, 1990," lmpor Menurut Jenis Barang dan Negeri Asal ", hal. 287, Biro Pusat Statistik Jakarta '
Fogler, H.S., 1999, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3 ed., Prentice Hall Asia Singapore
Griffin, R.C., 1955, "Technical Methods of Analysis", 2ed., p.p. 10 -11, Mc.Graw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York.
Kobe, K.A., 1957, "Inorganic Process Industries", pp 185-212, The Macmillan company, New York
Levenspiel, 0., 1972, "Chemical Reaction Engineering" 2 ed., JohnWiley & Sons, Inc., Canada
Mullin, J.W., 1993, Crystallization, 3 ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford
Myerson, A.S., 1993, Handbook of Industrial Crystallization, ButterworthHeinemann, Oxford 62
Nyvilt, J., Sohnel, 0., Matuchova, M.,and Broul, M., 1985 The Kinetics of Industrial Crystallization, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Tavare, N.S., 1995, Industrial Crystallization : Process Simulation, Analysis and Design, Plenum Press, New York
Vogel, A.I., 1953, " A Textbook of Quantitative lnorgani Analysis", 2 ed., pp 485-490, Longman, Green and Co., London