Endah Retno D, Uki Yuanti, Ning Sandra D


cheese is a kind of food product as a result from milk coagulation process, especially protein. This process is occurred due to the fermentation of lactate acid bacteria which is produce lactate acid and the activity of protease enzyme breaking protein so that it will be easier to be absorbed. This activity can improve the nutritive value. Beside cow’s milk, phyto stuff which contain of protein, as mungbean can be use produce cheese. This research is aimed to produce cheese from mungbean milk supported by Lactobacillus Bulgaricus bacteria. Beside it, this research is aimed to study the influence of incubation time variable and the volume of starter to the weight of cheese and the protein content which is produced. Based on the result of the research, the influence of starter volume variable and incubation time to the weight of cheese and the protein content will be known. The average heaviesr cheese is produce in 80 ml starter volume and 150 minutes = 49.804 gr. The average protein content is produced in 80 ml starter volume and 90 minutes = 58.840 %.

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