Arif Jumari, Agus Purwanto


Semiorganic phophate fertilizer is one of the alternatives of ferlilizer supplying elements of N, P and K needed plant . This product was expected to be able to substitute the phosphate fertilizer supplied in chemical fertilizer form. Manufacturing of semi organic phophate fertilizer consist of (1) composting of mixed organic materials and livestock manure, (2) grinding of compost, (3) grinding of phosphate rocks, (4) blending and prilling of grinded compost, phosphate rocks and water and (5) Drying of prilled fertilizer. As far as now the drying of semi organic phophate fertilizer was carried out by drying under the sunshine. This proces was difficult to be done on rainy season , so it was needed an equipment to dry semi organic phophate fertilizer, i.e, a Rotary Dryer. The purpose of the program was to design a Rotary Dryer for drying of semi organic phophate fertilizer to maintain or even increase the capacity of production . Main components of Rotary Dryer were Shell, Fuel Burner, Gear of Shell mover, and Motor for driving Shell. Shell rotated at 4-8 rpm when It was being operated. This Shell was equipped with baffles for improving the contact between hot gas and prilled fertilizer. Motor for driving Shell was a single phase electric motor 1 HP equipped with reducer , chain and transmision gear. The Rotary Dryer was operable easily and safely. Drying using Rotary Dryer yield product of fertilizer with moisture content 12.9 % and drying under sunshine for 2-3 days drying was 13.1 % moisture content. Product with more homogeneous of moisture was also obtained by drying using Rotary Dryer.The capacity of drying using this Rotary Dryer was 250-300 kg/h and depends the desired moisture content and fuel burning rate. Fuel (kerosene) comsumption was 2-3 liter/h.

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