Indexed by:
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Mawardi, Sugiharto, E., Mudjiran, H., dan Prijambada, 1.0., "Biosorpsi Timbal oleh Biomassa Saccharomyces cerevisiae·, BPPS,
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Tsezos, M. dan Volesky, B., "Biosorption of Uranium and Thorium", Biotechnot. Bioeng, 23, 1981,hal583-604
(7) Nur, A., Supranto, dan Rochmadi, "Model Kesetimbangan Biosorpsi Zn dengan Aspergillus Niger", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Rekayasa Kimia dan Proses 2002, Semarang, 2002, hal H4-1-H4-6
(8) Tsezos, M. dan Volesky, B., "The Mechanism of Uranium Biosoroption·, Biotechnot.Bioeng, 24, 1982, hal 385-401
AI-Duri, B., "A Review in Equilibrium in Single and Multicomponent Liquid Adsorption Biomassa Saccharomyces cerevisiae·, BPPS,
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Tsezos, M. dan Volesky, B., "Biosorption of Uranium and Thorium", Biotechnot. Bioeng, 23, 1981,hal583-604
(7) Nur, A., Supranto, dan Rochmadi, "Model Kesetimbangan Biosorpsi Zn dengan Aspergillus Niger", Prosiding Seminar Nasional Rekayasa Kimia dan Proses 2002, Semarang, 2002, hal H4-1-H4-6
(8) Tsezos, M. dan Volesky, B., "The Mechanism of Uranium Biosoroption·, Biotechnot.Bioeng, 24, 1982, hal 385-401
AI-Duri, B., "A Review in Equilibrium in Single and Multicomponent Liquid Adsorption.