Sunu Herwi Pranolo, Dwi Setiawan, M Muchamadun


Saponin from Lerak is a type of glicoside and used as washing agent of batik, insecticide, rheumatic medicine, poisoning agent for fish, etc. The most known natural source of saponin is Lerak (Sapindus Rarak D.C.). This research is aimed to have liquid phase volumetric mass transfer • coeficient (kc;B)on the surface of solid as function of the solid diameter and solvent concentration. Lerak is extracted as fine powder. The average diameters of solid sphere are 1,59 mm, 1,02 mm, 0,58 mm and 0,23 mm. Solvent concentrations are 96%, 76, 7%, 48% and 19,2% (wlw). The extractor is a three-cork vessel which is equipp_ed by thermometer, mercury stirrer, electric heater and water cooler. The temperature operation is 75'C and the speed of stirrer is 1000 rpm. Sample is analysed every 15 minutes during 3 hours gravimetrically. The correlation between kc;B and the other variable can be formulated as

The error is 4,67%.

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