Fadilah Fadilah, Sri Purwani Widyaningrum, Umi Khoiriyah


The high concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide causes the water aggressive. Metals can be corroded by this water. Reducing the concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide can be done by flowing water through the bed of marble. The objective of this research is to find the overall rate constant of reducing dissolved carbon dioxide using bed of marble and the influence of the particle diameter to the overall rate constant. The research is conducted by flowing water contained certain dissolved carbon dioxide in a bed of marble. In a certain time interval, the concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide of effluent water was analyzed by titration. The proposed mathematical model fits the data with relative small errors. The smaller of the particle diameter, the higher of the overall rate constant is obtained. It is found for 35 cm bed height, 3,5 cm coiunm diameter and flow rate 8 mVsecond, the overall rate constant are 1,66E-02 second -1 for 0,99 mm averape diameter, 8, 16E-03 second" for 1,76 mm average diameter, and 6,77E-3 second for 3,55 mm average diameter.

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