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Cashew has high economic values. Almost all the part of this plant are useful. However, the chasew nut is the most important part and the cashew apples is just eaten or used for syrup. The extraction of tannin from cashew apples can increase the economic value of cashew apples.The objectives of this research were obtained tannin and to seek the process and operation condition of extraction of tannin from cashew apples. The experiment was carried out in a stirred reactor equipped with condenser and mantel heater.Cashew apples was in slab form. 250 ml aceton and 60 gram chasew apples add to the ractor. Samples was drawn at ceratin times and the tannin concentration was measured by gravimetriv method.
The results showed that increasing extraction temperature and stirrer velocity caused increase the tranfer mass(Kc) and diffusivity (De) coefficients . The value of Kc and De are from 0.2322 gr / cm2.min until 1.2678 gr /cm2.min and from 0.031 cm2/min until 0.079 cm2/min for the range of stirrer velocity 500 - 800 rpm. The value of Kc and De are from 3.305 gr / cm2.min until 8.021 gr /cm2.min and from 0.408999 cm2/min until 0.6678 cm2/min for extraction temperature range 35 0C until 50 0C.
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