Endang Mastuti, Paryanto Paryanto


Solid waste from electroplating industries that consist of heavy metals can be used as substituen of sand in concrete’s composition. This research was conducted to know the effect of cement and sand substitution in making mortar by using sludge waste of electroplating process. It was focused on measuring the physical properties of mortar (sample), compressive strength and permeability.

The sample was made by mixing of water, cement, sand, and the dry solid waste with certain composition. Samples are constructed in cylinder shape with 7,5 cm diameter and 15 cm length. The composition are : 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% weight of cement and 1%, 2%, 3% weight of sand. For the permeability test, it only for the sample with highest compressive strength value, each substitution with 28 days age.

From the result of this test, we knew that cement substitution have the higher compressive strength value rather than standard sample (sample with no substitution). The higher compressive strength value occurs if the electroplating waste is 2 % from cement weight.


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