Wusana Agung Wibowo, Nunik Sri Wahjuni, Endang Mastuti


Jackfruit’s hair as a waste of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) have the high content of cellulose. This cellulose can be converted to glucose (more valuable chemical) by acid hydrolysis reaction. Objective of this research was to find the rate of reaction constant (k) of hydrolysis reaction. Batch mode hydrolysis process was conducted in a glass vessel equipped with Magnetic Stirrer Heater, thermometer and water cooler. Glucose as a product from hydrolysis was then analysed using titimetric method. This value was then used to calculate the conversion. Arrhenius’ equation was used to predict the rate of reaction constant, and we found an equation of rate of reaction constant as a function of temperature: k’ = 1427.5 e-4549.4/T. This equation valid for temperature of 60 to 100 oC and concentration of HCl was 0.1 N.

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