Dwi Ardiana Setyawardani, Haifa Siti Alkausar, Usad Rodhiyatul Fadhilah


Rubber (Hevea Brasiliensa) is one of Indonesia's largest plantation commodities is not optimal utilization. Rubber seeds have a high vegetable oil content of 45.63%, so the potential to be used as edible oil. However, toxic linamarin contained in the seeds of an obstacle in the utilization of rubber, because if hydrolyzed to form hydrogen cyanide (HCN), which if consumed in large amounts can cause dizziness and fainting. Cyanide is soluble and evaporates. This study aims to provide early treatment for rubber seed, in order to reduce levels of toxic linamarin. This research is still exploratory, as a preliminary study for rubber seed oil to prepare adequate food consumption. Linamarin removal process is done by soaking and boiling with variable immersion 1-3 days old, and the old variable boiling 1-2 hours. Rubber seed which has undergone initial treatment further analyzed by the method of Volhard Argentometri way to determine levels of linamarin contained therein. Furthermore, the oil extraction process is carried out using the solvent n-hexane followed by degumming process and analysis of petroleum oil based food quality standards (SNI 01-3741-2002) with parameters and acid value metal content. From the research that has been done, the result that the greatest decline linamarin levels achieved at 1 day of immersion time and 1.5 hours of boiling time, ie by 39%. The results of the metal analysis showed that rubber seed oil rubber seed oil oils do not meet the quality standards of food because it contains a metal content of 1.78 ppm Cu (oil food safe limit of 1 ppm) that required further treatment to reduce levels of Cu, one how the adsorption process using a specific adsorber.

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