Agus Purwanto, Astri Nur Fajriyanti, Dewi Wahyuningtyas


Bran rice is a by-product of rice milling which only used as cattle feed. Utilization of bran rice to take rice bran oil will increase its economic value. Rice bran oil contains natural antioxidants  g-oryzanol and fatty acids. Antioxidants g-oryzanol are more powerful than vitamin E to avoid free radical damage. One way to recovery rice bran oil is extraction using volatile solvents. The effects of solvent type to yield of rice bran oil and antioxidant activity of rice bran oil need to be researched. This study started with the process of stabilization of bran to inhibit lipase activity. Next process was extraction of bran oil using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and ethanol as the solvent. The next step was evaluation the acid number and antioxidant activity of obtained oil with DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) method. The results showed that the yields of oil were affected by solvent polarity compounds. Highest yield was obtained on extraction using ethanol and the yield  was 12.553%, 14.105% and 17.431%. Acid test showed that extraction using ethyl acetate produced oil with smallest acid number (79.662 and 90.882) and test of antioxidant activity showed that extraction with ethanol was potential as antioxidants which value of IC50 were 46.79% and 47.29%.

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