Sunu Herwi Pranolo, Grata Priangga, Muhammad Iqbal Said


Solid Bed in fixed bed gasifier tends to cause the pressure drop that resulting energy loss. Thus, the main cause needs analysis in order to obtain the operating conditions that minimize energy loss. Pressure drop at the fixed bed gasifier is influenced by the particle diameter, bed porosity and shape factor of the solid particle. This research purposed to analyze influence of air flow rate and depth of sawdust bed in the fixed bed gasifier. The experiments were performed by air flux from the blower. This research analyzed two conditions of the gasifier, empty and filled with the bed of sawdust. Average diameter (Dp) of 0,02 cm was selected as constant variable and the independent variables were depth of bed (L) and air superficial velocity (G). The experiments air superficial velocities were in the range of 1,3154 – 1,3891 g/cm2s and depth of bed at 15 cm, 30 cm, 45 cm. Experimental results showed that the trend of the pressure drop is proportional to the air flow rate and to the depth of sawdust bed.

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