Sabda Suryawan Trianto, Sarah Yusa Lestyorini, Margono Margono


Since the invention of synthetic dyes, the use of natural dyes became decreased. The synthetic dyes was cheaper and more profitable than natural dyes. However, the use of synthetic dyes for foods and beverages has the negative impact. Therefore the use of natural food dyes is recommended because it is harmless. Carrots are one kind of foods that produced natural dyes. The aims of this research were to determine the influence of temperature and time extraction for the optimum yield. This research used the batch extraction method, using a three-neck flask and stirrer at 400 rpm. The extraction was set at (30, 60, 80, 100) ˚C and time (20, 40, 60, 80) minutes, with a weight ratio of material to solvent volume is 1 g : 10 ml. In this research, the optimum extraction conditions was at 80 ˚C.


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