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Rice bran oil (also known as rice bran extract) is the oil extracted from the germ and inner husk of rice. It contains containing various kinds of essential nutrients, one of which is γ-oryzanol. Usually γ-oryzanol was obtained by saponifying RBO with alkali. The non-saponified fatty acids were separated to obtain a residue γ-oryzanol. Types of alkali compunds used in saponification process would affect the amount of γ-oryzanol obtained. The objective of this work was to study the effect of NaOH and KOH in saponification process. Samples of RBO were saponified with a certain kind of alkali in a particular concentration. The soapstocks were separated and then diluted with n-hexane. Then the samples were analyzed using GC-MS chromatograph. Research variables were the type of alkali (NaOH and KOH) and alkali concentration of 5 N, 4 N, 3 N, 2 N, and 1 N. The results showed that the best concentration to produce soapstock was 5 N. Generally, in saponification process of RBO, NaOH as saponification agent produced γ-oryzanol more than KOH. There were significant differences between soapstock produced by NaOH and KOH. Saponification using NaOH produced solid soaptock while soapstock produced by KOH was in paste form. Vitamin E content of the soapstock is also higher when NaOH was used in saponification process. In conclusion, NaOH was better used as saponification agent than KOH was the optimum concentration of 5 N of NaOH.
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Imsanguan, P., Roaysubtawee, A., Borirak, R., Pongamphai, S., Douglas, S., and Douglas, P.L., 2007, “Extraction of α-tocopherol and γ-oryzanol from Rice Bran,” 41: 1417-1418.
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Patel, M., and Naik, S.N., 2004, “Gamma Oryzanol from Rice Bran Oil – A review,” 62: 569-572.
Perry, R.H., and Green, D.W., 1997, “Perry’s Chemical Engineer’s Handbook”,7th ed,Mc Graw Hill Book Companny,New York.
Purbasari, A., dan Silviana, 2008, “Kajian Awal Pembuatan Biodisel dari Minyak Dedak Padi dengan Proses Esterifikasi,” 12(1): 19-20.