Soil Quality at Rice Fields with Organic, Semi-organic and Inorganic Management in Wonogiri Regency, Indonesia

Supriyadi Supriyadi, Intan Lestari Prima Vera, Purwanto Purwanto


The high demand of rice is fulfilled by intensification, particularly with the use of chemical fertilizer that allegedly causes land and environmental problems in a long term. As public awareness of environmental health rises, more rice fields are managed organically and semi-organically, but there are still many that manage rice fields inorganically. Assessment of soil quality of the three types of rice field management is important to prove that organic rice fields have better soil quality than semi-organic and inorganic rice fields, as well as to evaluate soil conditions on the location. This research was conducted in Girimarto, Wonogiri, Indonesia, using a descriptive explorative method with a survey approach on three points of each management system of rice fields, which are organic, semi-organic and inorganic rice fields. Statistical analysis was performed by Pearson correlation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) to determine the indicators affecting soil quality, which are called the minimum data set (MDS). There were selected indicators in this research, including total microbes, base saturation, cation exchangeable capacity and organic carbon. Based on the results of the study, organic rice fields have the best soil quality with a score of soil quality index (SQI) of 2.3, compared to semi-organic rice field SQI (2.2) and inorganic rice field SQI (1.7). The results indicate that organic management contributes to better soil quality and environment.


organic management; principal component analysis; rice fields; soil quality; SQI

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