Pengaruh Penggunaan Daun Pepaya Sebagai Bahan Pakan dan Lama Penghentiannya Terhadap Performan dan Kualitas Daging Kambing Bligon

Edi Suryanto, Ni Luh Putu Sriyani, M Ichsan Harris


Agricultural waste products used as livestock feed are rice straw, peanut straw, zea mays straw and others. Waste of pepaya’s estate can be used as feedstuff as well especially pepaya leaves. Small ruminants such as goats are able to adapt well with various available forages. Farmers in Borobudur District, Magelang Regency have fed their goats with pepaya leaves and according to them the goat can grow well, fat and healthy. However, there were information from consumers and goat slaughterers that the meat produced and its visceral organs especially liver were organoleptically unacceptable due to the bitter taste and the slightly greenish in colour. The experiment using 27 female bligon goat of about 6 month old with the average body weight of 13,9 ± 0,8 kg was carried out to find a good solution of the above problem. The goat were randomly divided into three group feeding treatments and fed with ration of R0 (control/without pepaya leaves consisting of 10% leaves of waru/Hibiscus tiliacus leaves, 15% leaves of jackfruit/ Artocarpus heterophyllus and 75% native grass), R1 (25% pepaya leaves and 75% native grass), and R2 (50% pepaya leaves and 50% native grass). After 10 weeks the feeding trial was stopped and then all goats were fed with R0 ration (pepaya’s feed withdrawal) for two weeks. Meanwhile three goats from each group were taken for slaughter (first slaughtering at week 0 of pepaya’s feed withdrawal). The second and third slaughtering were caried out at week 1 and week 2of pepaya’s feeding withdrawal. The data collected were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance of completely randomized design (bligon goat performances, chemical composition and physical quality of meat) and analysis of non parametric for the sensorial characteristics of meat, any differences among the treatments were further-tested using Duncan test (DMRT). The results showed that the ration containing pepaya leaves significantly influenced the final body weight (P<0.05) and feed consumption (P<0.01) of bligon goats but not their average daily gains and carcass percentages. Chemical composition of the meat of bligon goat was significantly influenced by pepaya leaves (P<0.05). Fat content of bligon goat meat significantly increased as the level of pepaya leaves in the ration increased. On the other hand, the fat would decrease as the pepaya’s withdrawal commencing (P<0.05). Pepaya leaves significantly decreased pH and water holding capacity of the meat (P<0.05) but it did not increase the tenderness. Pepaya leaves significantly caused bitter taste in the meat and the liver of bligon goat (P<0.05). The bitter taste of the meat and liver would gradually decrease as the pepaya’s withdrawal commencing (P<0.05). The conclusion of the experiment was that pepaya leaves could be used as part of the bligon goat ration without affecting the performances of the animals, however, the pepaya’s feeding should be stopped as least two weeks before slaughtering to eliminate the bitter taste from the meat and liver of the bligon goat.


pepaya leaves; bligon goat; withdrawal length; performances; meat quality

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