Sri Hartati, Ongko Cahyono, Nunik Puji Lestari


The study aims to determine the effect of compatibility level to the intergeneric crossing ability and the age of the flower blooming of Vanda sp and Phalaenopsis sp. Research was conducted at a screen house and Plant Breeding Laboratory of Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University. Crossing is done by inserting pollen of male parent to the stigma of the female parent which were selected based on a predetermined number of crosses. The observations included: percentage of successful crosses, time of fruit formation, durability of hanging fruit, the percentage of fruit ready for harvest, the percentage of the fallen fruit, and the level of compatibility. The study concluded that the intergeneric cross between Vanda sp and Phalaenopsis sp can be done until the age of 3 weeks after the flowers bloom. The fruit begins to form at the age of 6-12 day after crosses (DAC) and can be harvested after reaching the age of about three months. The intergeneric cross between Vanda sp and Phalaenopsis sp is compatible, because this was capable of producing the fruit of more than 60%.


crossing; intergeneric; orchids; Phalaenopsis sp; Vanda sp

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