Journal History

Caraka Tani has been published by Faculty of AgricultureUniversitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) since 1986. Caraka Tani (Caraka : messenger; Tani : farmer, farming, agriculture) has a mission to convey the messages for carrying out agriculture practices in a sustainable manner.


Printed issues of P-ISSN have been published on the web in 2017 since Vol. 16, No. 1, March 2001. In the beginning, Caraka Tani publishes two issue in a year in the printed version (P-ISSN 0854-3984), in March and October. The authors of Caraka Tani were exclusively from UNS. However, since Caraka Tani has P-ISSN, submission of manuscripts from other universities are welcome.


The journal name of Caraka Tani had been changed two times as follow:

1. Caraka Tani - Jurnal Ilmu Ilmu Pertanian (1986-2015)

2. Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (since March 2015)


Since 2018, Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture actually was published in online and printed version. On the basis of the decision No. 0005.25992570/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2017.12 on 8th December  2017,  Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture has been registered with E-ISSN 2599-2570 (Online) and No. 0005.26139456/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2017.12 on 29th December 2017 for P-ISSN 2613-9456 (Print) starting for articles included in Volume 33, No. 1, April 2018.


The Editorial Board has effort by systematic and continuous process in order to improve Caraka Tani as an international reputable journal. Achievements that have been successfully obtained were informed in the Announcements and Indexing.