Hubungan antara Grit dengan Regulasi Diri Dalam Belajar pada Siswa Kelas XII SMA Negeri

Araz Arza Zera Wijaya, munawir yusuf, Afia Fitriani


Senior high school requires students to have harmonization of their abilities and needs in the world of work, which is manifested in the choice of the right lecture majors. Students with low self-regulation in learning tend to show absence or low participation in class during the learning process. Self-regulation in learning is closely related to grit, namely the tendency to direct and maintain perseverance and interest in the long term. The purpose of this study was to reveal the correlation between grit and self-regulation in learning. The population of this research is the XII grade students of SMA Negeri "X" Kediri City, by cluster random sampling technique to obtain a sample of 80 students. The measuring instrument used is the self-regulation scale in learning (α=0.929) and the grit scale (α=0.916). The results of hypothesis testing with Pearson Product Moment showed that grit had a significant and positive correlation with self-regulation in learning in class XII students of SMA Negeri "X" Kediri City (p 0.000, p < 0.05, r = 0.593) with moderate strength of correlation. Thus, high grit can support students to have good self-regulation in learning, which supports students in managing their thoughts, emotions also actions in learning more optimally.


siswa;regulasi diri dalam belajar;grit



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