Perlawanan Mas Marco Kartodikromo terhadap Pemerintah Kolonial belanda melalui Pers (1911-1926)

Laili Rahmawati, Isawati Isawati, Sutiyah Sutiyah


This research aims to analyze (1) Mas Marco Kartodikromo's thoughts regarding colonialism that occurred in the Dutch East Indies, (2) Mas Marco Kartodikromo's resistance to the Dutch colonial government through the press in 1911-1926, and (3) the impact of Mas Marco Kartodikromo's resistance to the colonial government Netherlands through the press 1911-1926. This research is historical research with a sociological and political science approach. Data sources include primary data sources in the form of laws Drukpers Reglement 1856, law Presbreidel Ordonantie 1906, law Haatzaai artikelen, newspaper Doenia Bergerak, newspaper Sinar Djawa, newspaper Sinar Hindia, newspaper Hidoep, newspaper Pantjaran Warta, newspaper Pemimpin, newspaper Pewarta Deli, newspaper Medan Moeslimin and secondary sources in the form of books related to Mas Marco Kartodikromo. Data collection techniques were carried out using library research and document study. Data analysis using historical data analysis techniques. The results of the research show (1) Mas Marco Kartodikromo's thoughts regarding colonialism that occurred in the Dutch East Indies began to be demonstrated when Marco moved and settled in Surakarta. Marco saw that social life in Surakarta was very visible in terms of social strata, so that there were many arbitrary actions from Europeans towards native people, coupled with injustice from the Dutch colonial government which classified the people of the Dutch East Indies. (2) Marco fought against the Dutch colonial government through the press using newspapers. Marco's resistance began with establishing the Doenia Bergerak newspaper dan joining with various other newspapers, namely Pantaran Warta, Sinar Djawa, Sinar Hindia, Pemimpin, and Hidoep. Marco served as editor and published various articles calling for arbitrary actions by Europeans against native people. (3) The impact of Marco's resistance to the Dutch colonial government through the press, namely inspiring the birth of various indigenous newspapers, inspiring the birth of various journalist organizations, inspiring other journalists to dare to fight against the Dutch colonial government, increasing government supervision of journalists and newspaper reporting, and inspiring the public bumiputera to dare to speak out for justice.


Resistance, Colonialism, Nationalism, and Press

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