Peranan Nyai dalam Akulturasi Budaya Jawa-Belanda Tahun 1870-1942

Laila Magfirul Muniroh, Sutiyah Sutiyah, Dadan Adi Kurniawan


This study aims to determine (1) the reality of nyai life in Java 1870-1942, (2) the relationship between nyai and Dutch (European) masters in Java 1870-1942, and (3) the role of nyai in the acculturation of Javanese-Dutch culture 1870 -1942. This research is a historical research conducted in five stages, namely (1) topic selection, (2) heuristics (data collection), (3) source criticism (internal criticism and external criticism). (4) interpretation, and (5) historiography (writing history). Sources of data used in the form of primary sources include archives such as Besluit, Binnenlandsch Bestuur, Staatsblad van Nederlandsch Indie, and contemporary newspapers as well as photographs related to nyai, while secondary sources used are books, journals, theses, relevant theses, and the internet. Data was collected by using documentation techniques and literature study. The data analysis of this research used historical data analysis. The results of the research reveal that (1) the reality of nyai's life is full of ups and downs. Most native women voluntarily become nyai or are sold by their parents. Nyai come from lower class or priyayi. Becoming a nyai is one way to get out of poverty. Most colonial societies, both European and native, opposed the practice of concubinage because it was seen as inconsistent with rules, norms and religion. However, concubinage was inherent in colonial culture. (2) The relationship between the nyai and the Dutch lord was of a symbiotic nature, that is, it was mutually beneficial, even though the Dutch men had the greatest advantage. The main duties of a nyai are as bed companions and housekeepers without any legal marriage. Nyai can be thrown away at any time by their master because nyai do not have the right to marry and the right to defend themselves. Caring for nyai was one of the means for Europeans to gain knowledge about the customs of the colonial lands. It is not uncommon for a nyai to receive clothing, jewelry, and even love from the master. The relationship between nyai and European men gives birth to children of mixed blood called Indo-European. (3) The role of the nyai in the acculturation of Javanese-Dutch culture can be seen as a cultural mediator in the elements of Indis culture created in the nyai's family environment such as lifestyle (the habit of eating using a spoon, fork, and rijsttafel culture, wearing a kebaya dress decorated with lace accompanied by a batik sarong, belief in occult practices, and daily bathing habits) that influenced Europeans. Nyai tried to communicate with her master using broken Dutch mixed with Javanese, then the petjoek language was born which was used by Indo-Europeans in the big cities of Java.


Nyai, Acculturation, Culture, Indis

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