Peran Wernher von Braun dalam Perlombaan Antariksa Amerika Serikat Pada Era Perang Dingin

Penta Lavida, Sutiyah Sutiyah, Dadan Adi Kurniawan


This study aims to explore (1) the reason behind Wernher von Braun’s decision to move from Germany to the United States post-World War II (2) Wernher von Braun’s role in the United States space race during the Cold War era. The historical method is used as a research framework with various stages, as follows, heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The data sources used in this research are primary sources, namely archival documents, journals written by historical figures, and secondary sources, namely books and contemporary newspapers related to Wernher von Braun's role in the space race during the Cold War era. The data collection techniques used are documentation and literature study. According to the results of the research, we can conclude several things, as follows: (1) The selection of the United States as the destination of Wernher von Braun from Germany after World War II has reasons, that is the state system and society of the United States which embraces liberalism and upholds human rights, in contrast to the Soviet Union which is authoritarianism and NAZI which is fascism. Wernher von Braun's disastrous memories of the NAZI Germany government led to his choice of the United States as his destination. The US government saw the move of Wernher von Braun and other scientists to the United States as an effort to develop military weapons, especially rockets with nuclear warheads, which at that time the United States had a threat from the Soviet Union. (2) Wernher von Braun had a significant contribution in leading the United States to compete with the Soviet Union in the space race, by becoming the team that built the Juno I rocket used to launch the United States' first satellite, Explorer I. The United States' national goal to put the first man on the moon was inseparable from the role of Wernher von Braun who campaigned for the program through newspapers and books and was in direct contact with the president of the United States in planning the program. von Braun's agreement to keep the military and civilian space programs separate led to the transformation of the Army's military development operations division into NASA's George C. Marshall Space Center, which gave way to an institution separate from the military. The development of the Saturn program was carried out by Wernher von Braun as an effort to catch up with the United States space program with the Soviet Union.


Wernher von Braun, Role of The Figure, Space Race

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