Analisis Potensi Wisata Sejarah Edukatif di Kecamatan Simo

Suryadarma Atmaja, Leo Agung S


The purpose of this research aims to describe: (1) the condition of historical heritage in Simo District; (2) analysis of the potential and design of educational historical tourism in the Simo District area. The research method used in the research is a qualitative descriptive method. The qualitative descriptive method was chosen because this research examines reality, exploring phenomena that cannot be quantified which are descriptive in nature. The data sources used are observations, documents and informants. The data collection techniques used were observation, literacy studies and interviews. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that: (1) Historical remains in the form of temples in Gunung Village and Makam Gunung Kendeng are historical sites that have the potential as educational historical tourism. The condition of these relics does not receive special attention from departments or parties related to historical relics. These historical relics have not been designated as cultural heritage objects but their existence is worthy of being proposed as cultural heritage objects; (2) The potential for educational historical tourism in Simo District in the 4A Tourism and SWOT components has largely supported its characteristics as a tourist attraction. Historical heritage and natural potential are attractions that can be of interest to tourists. Planning to package educational historical tourism by empowering local residents aims to have a direct influence by improving welfare. In fulfilling the information needs of visitors regarding information on the distribution of tourist areas by considering tourist activities that educate tourists.


wisata, sejarah, edukatif, Simo


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