Kearifan Lokal Gusjigang sebagai Sumber Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Karakter di MAN 2 Kudus

Maulida Rahmawati, Isawati ., Musa Pelu


The purposes of this study are to describe: (1) the concept of Gusjigang local wisdom, (2) the character values contained in Gusjigang local wisdom, (3) the application of Gusjigang local wisdom as a source of character values cultivation in MAN 2 Kudus.
The form of this research is descriptive qualitative, that means the data are obtained from the research results and are presented in narrative form. The data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and document analysis. The data analysis technique of this research is interactive analysis that includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data inference.
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that: (1) Gusjigang is a philosophy of life attached to Sunan Kudus and has been known by the Kudus community. Sunan Kudus developed the concept of "Gusjigang" which means that youth must be kind, good at reading the Quran, and also good at trading. The academicians of MAN 2 Kudus which include the vice principal, Islamic cultural history teachers, and students of MAN 2 Kudus understand the concept of Gusjigang as a local wisdom taught by Sunan Kudus and preserved by the Kudus local citizen. (2) The values contained in the local wisdom of Gusjigang are related to the values developed by the Ministry of National Education. The values contained in gus (good morals) include honesty, tolerance, discipline, love of peace, social care, and responsibility. The values contained in ji (good at reciting the Quran) are religious, curiosity, and love of reading. Meanwhile the value of the gang (good at trading) is reflected in the attitude of hard work, creativity, and independence. (3) The application of Gusjigang local wisdom can be seen from the activities outside of learning and activities in learning the history of Islamic culture. The form of application of local wisdom values outside of learning is in the form of habituation of religious activities. In its implementation, the cultivation of Gusjigang local wisdom at MAN 2 Kudus encountered several obstacles that were felt by teachers and students of MAN 2 Kudus.


Gusjigang, character values, MAN 2 Kudus

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