Pembredelan Pers Pada Masa Pemerintahan Orde Baru Dan Relevansinya Bagi Mata Kuliah Sejarah Indonesia Mutakhir

Imron Imron


The purpose of this study were to describe: (1) the New Order government policies against the press, (2) the press orientation and position during the New Order government, (3) the media bans which occurred during the New Order government, (4) the impact of media bans which occurred during the New Order government, (5) the relevance of the research for current Indonesia history study. This research used historical method with the sources were interviews, primary and secondary written sources. Data collection techniques used interviews with the actors of history and literature studies in various libraries. The data analysis technique used was the historical analysis techniques with content analysis. The steps taken in the historical method were: (1) heuristic, (2) criticism, (3) interpretation, (4) historiography.

The study results concluded: (1) the New Order government policy of press were preventive and repressive; (2) the press orientation and position during the New Order government era sourced by company administrative management and government role domination; (3) press banning during the New Order era started from authoritarian attitude and government policy deviation of press; (4) the impact of press banning in the New Order era were press depoliticization, commercialization, and deterioration of press and public relations with the government; (5) banning of the press during the New Order government relevated with information and political communication study in Current Indonesia History course material.


Press, the New Order, Banning, current Indonesia History

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Jurnal CANDI Vol. 13 No. 1 April 2016