Analisis Pendidikan Multikultural Dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah di SMA Islam Diponegoro Surakarta

Ardeti Jeni


This study is aimed to describe: (1) teachers’ comprehension of multicultural education in historical learning, (2) the implementation of multicultural education in historical learning at SMA Islam Diponegoro Surakarta, (3) the obstacles in implementing multicultural education in historical learning at SMA Islam Diponegoro Surakarta, (4) the efforts taken to overcome the obstacles in implementing multicultural education in historical learning at SMA Islam Diponegoro Surakarta, (5) students' perception to the implementation of multicultural education in historical learning at SMA Islam Diponegoro Surakarta.

This study is kind of descriptive qualitative research which investigates an event by providing descriptive data. The data source in this study is place, event, informant, and document. The data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and document analysis. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. To validate the data, data and method triangulation were used in this study. Technique of analyzing the data used is interactive analysis, which is encompassing in three components: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.

Based on the results of this study, the following conclusion can be drawn as follows: (1) the history teacher has a good comprehension of multicultural education which marked by teachers understand the meaning and purpose of multicultural education as well as teachers understand the relevance of multicultural education with historical learning, (2) the implementation of multicultural education in historical learning is carried out through three stages of learning, which are learning plan by arrange the learning preparation based on multicultural approach, the learning implementation by implement discussion method with cooperative learning model, and learning evaluation by evaluate students’ multicultural values, (3) the obstacle in implementing multicultural education in historical learning is teacher yet to implement learning content based on multicultural perspective, the implementation already used is by doing discussion method and giving the multicultural values tough, (4) the effort taken to overcome the obstacle in implementing multicultural education in historical education is by doing a mediation through In House Training (IHT) program, (5) students evaluate the implementation of multicultural education in historical learning has been implemented well because the students have been more understood the importance of giving tolerance in society when and after historical teaching and learning process with multicultural approach.


multicultural, multicultural education, historical learning

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