Analisis Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Karakter Abdullah Bin Abu Kuhafah Dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam (Ski) di MAN Karanganyar

Isa Maryati


The purposes of this study were to (1) determine the character values of Abdullah bin Abu Quhafah; (2) determine the implementation of teachers for learning the character values of Abdullah bin Abu Kuhafah through the Islamic Cultural History (SKI) lesson in MAN Karanganyar; (3) the obstacle faced by teacher for learning the character values of Abdullah bin Abu Kuhafah through the Islamic Cultural History (SKI) lesson in MAN Karanganyar

This study was conducted under qualitative descriptive method that emphasizes the process and meaning of the activity or information in the ongoing situation. The strategy used in this study was case study. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis. In order to valid the data, the researcher used data sources triangulation and method triangulation. This research used an interactive model.

The results showed that (1) the teacher’s understanding of the character values of Abdullah bin Abu Kuhafah include honesty, courageous, generous, modest and religious. In the SKI lesson these character values have been applied properly; (2) the teacher implementation for learning character values of Abdullah bin Abu Kuhafah through SKI includes planning, implementation and teacher evaluation. In the SKI planning as a media for learning character values Abdullah bin Abu Kuhafah started with the preparation of lesson tools such as lesson plan (RPP) based on curriculum 2013 syllabus. RPP has contains character values. The implementation of SKI lesson consists of the beginning, middle, and the end. The third stage is used by SKI Teacher to learning the character values. Evaluation of the learning the character values of Abdullah bin Abu Kuhafah is done by an assesment of the aspect of knowledge, skill, and attitudes of learners; (3) the constraints faced by SKI teacher in the SKI lesson as a media for learning the character values of Abdullah bin Abu Kuhafah is limited teaching time, the limited resources of learners, the student school development environment different with the school outside environment.


SKI Lesson, the character values, Abdullah bin Abu Kuhafah

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