Perkembangan Seni Ludruk Kirun dan Relevansinya Untuk Meningkatkan Apresiasi Siswa Terhadap Budaya Lokal

Dhelfyan Hargianto


The purpose of this study were to describe: (1) the background of Ludruk Kirun art establishment in Madiun, (2) the development and existence of Ludruk Kirunart, (3) the views of teachers and the community to the existence of Ludruk in relation as preservation culture, (4) the teachers efforts to cultivate the students local culture appreciation.

The form of this research was descriptive qualitative, which is a way to examine an event at the present time by generating descriptive data of written or spoken source of certain persons or behaviors that can be observed by using certain measures. This study used a single-rooted case studystrategy. Source of data used was objects, places, events, informants, and documents. Data collection techniques used was observation, interviews, and document analysis. The sampling technique used was purposive and snowball sampling. The validity of the data used two triangulation techniques namely data triangulation and methods triangulation. The data analysis technique used was interactive analysis, which is a process of analysis that move between three components including data reduction, data presentation, and verification / conclusion.

Based on the results of the research concluded: (1) the establishment background of Ludruk Kirun driven by internal factors, namely: (a) an original art Ludruk East Java, (b) Kirun desire that want to preserve the Ludruk arts, (c) the wishes of the people aboutt populist entertainment. External factors, namely: (a) the entry of foreign culture that led to the removal of Indonesian native culture (b) culture was a human need. (2) the development and existence Ludruk Kirun: (a) The development started in 1985 Kirun founded the studio "Kirun Cs" until 2009 renamed PadSKi (Kirun Art Hermitage ) and taught Ludruk, Ketoprak, dance and comedy training, (b) the existence of ludruk Kirun cooperate with relevant parties so ludruk not lost by globalization. (3) the teacher's views on Ludruk art: (a) the teacher sees Ludruk as one of Indonesian culture, (b) preserve the culture of Indonesia so Ludruk culture was not lost (4) teachers attempt to cultivate the students' appreciation by: (a) teacher give material about Indonesian culture, (b) provision of material culture caused students were able to appreciate the culture of Indonesia.


Ludruk, Relevance, Local Culture, Student’s Appreciation

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