Analisis Nilai Nilai Nasionalisme Dalam Topik Perlawanan Terhadap Kolonialisme Pada Kurikulum 2013 di SMAN 5 SURAKARTA

Agung Handoyo


The objective of this research is to understand (1) the teaching of history based on curriculum 2013 in SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta; (2) nationalism values in the topic of Resistance against Western Colonization; (3) the strategies teachers utilize in instilling nationalism values in history teaching within the topic of Resistance against Western Colonization; (4) obstacles during the teaching of nationalism values in history teaching within the topic of Resistance against Western Colonization in SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta.

This study was conducted under qualitative descriptive method that emphasized the process and meaning of the activity or information in the ongoing situation. The strategy used in this study was case study. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis. To validate the data, the researcher used data sources triangulation and method triangulation. This research used an interactive model.

Research findings showed that: (1) history teachers played bigger roles in encouraging the students in order that teaching objectives within the topic of Resistance against Western Colonization could be achieved; (2) history teachers emphasized that the sense of responsibility towards the country was one that created a sense of patriotic nationalism; (3) teachers infused the nationalism values in the history teaching through the process of planning, acting, and evaluating; (4) the obstacle was the lack of students’ awareness to read so that they found it difficult to comprehend and implement the nationalism values.


history teaching, nationalism values, resistance against western colonization

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