Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation (GI) Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Bertanya Dan Hasil Belajar Sejarah
The purpose of this research to improve the students' questioning participation and the outcome of learning history at XII Sains Grade of SMA AL Islam 1 Surakarta by implementing Group Investigation type of cooperative model.
This research is a classroom action research (CAR). The research is conducted in two cycles which each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The subject of this research is XII Sains grade of SMA AL Islam 1 Surakarta that consists of 33 students. The data sources from teachers, students, learning process, and document. Data collection techniques are conducted by using observation, tests, documentation, and interviews. Validity test technique uses triangulation which are triangulation of data or source and triangulation method. Data analysis uses interactive analysis. The research procedure uses a spiral model.
The results show that: 1) the implementation of Group Investigation (GI) type of cooperative learning model can improve students' questioning participation of XII Sains grade of SMA AL Islam 1 Surakarta Achievement of students' questioning participation through pre- cycle observation is 22,85% and 9 questions increase into 85,71% and 69 questions, this result has exceeded the set target which is 75%. 2) the implementation of Group Investigation (GI) type of cooperative learning model can improve the learning outcome of XII Sains grade students of SMA AL Islam 1 Surakarta. Achievement mastery of students’ learning outcome through pre-cycle of cognitive test is 12 students or 40% increases into 22 students or 68,57% in the cycle I and in the cycle II increases into 27 students or 62,85%, this result has exceeded the set target which is 80%.
Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that teaching process of history by implementing Group Investigation (GI) type of cooperative learning model can improve questioning participation and outcome of learning history at XII Sains grade of SMA AL Islam 1 Surakarta.
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