The Application of Cooperative Model Type Giving and Getting Answer Using Card As The Media To Improve Students Creativity And Critical Analysis Ability In Learning History In Class X IPS 3 ff SMAN 2 Karanganyar In The Even Semester of 2015/2016 Academic Year

Pandi Ahmad, Leo Agung S, Djono Djono


            The research aims to increase students’ creativity and critical analysis ability in learning history in class X IPS 3 SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar, by applying the type cooperative model of giving and getting answer using card as the media.

            The research is a class room action research (CAR). There were two cycles in this research in which each cycle consists of planning, action, observation and reflection. The research subjects are 38 students of class X IPS 3 SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar. The data were collected from teachers and students by doing interview, observation, questionnaires, and test. Researcher uses triangulation technique data and method. Meanwhile for data analysis, researcher uses descriptive comparative analysis technique.

            The results show: first, the application of cooperative model type giving and getting answer using card as the media can improve the average score from lesson plan indicator. Teacher’s and students’ observation sheets increase from pre-cycle 67,91% to 74,15% on the first cycle and up to 85,41% on the second cycle. Second, the application of cooperative model type giving and getting answer using card as the media can improve students’ creativity. The average number of students’ creativity indicator based on pre-cycle questionnaires increases from 70,28% to 71,46% on the first cycle and up to 79,32% on the second cycle. Third, the application of cooperative model type giving and getting answer using card as the media can improve students’ critical analysis ability. The indicator average based on test on pre-cycle increases from 61,57% to 69,62% on the first cycle and up to 82,67% on the second scale.


Cooperative model type giving question and getting answer, creativity, critical analysis ability, the teaching of history

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