Implementasi Pembelajaran Sejarah Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Kepemimpinan Asta Brata Untuk Meningkatkan Karakter Siswa (Studi Kasus Di Kelas X MIA 7 SMAN 3 Surakarta)

Yessi Diana Saputri, Sariyatun Sariyatun, Tri Yunianto


The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation of the teaching of history based on local wisdom to improve the character of class X SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta and to know the history of learning based on local wisdom asta Brata leadership can improve student achievement grade X SMAN 3 Surakarta.

This research is a classroom action research (CAR). The research was conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The subjects were students of class X MIPA 7 SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta totaling 33 students. The data source comes from teachers, students, and the learning process. Data collection techniques implemented using observation, interview and test. Test the validity using triangulation techniques, the triangulation of data and triangulation methods. Analysis of data using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques.

The results of the study of history teaching application based on local wisdom asta Brata using models Contextual Teaching Learning can improve the character of the students. This is evidenced by the achievement of mastery in the second cycle, namely the achievement of KKM with a value above the average of 80. And the application of the teaching of history can improve learners' achievements indicated by the achievement indicators of the success of the second cycle, namely the achievement of learners achieving 81% of 33 learners.

Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the teaching of history based on local wisdom asta Brata leadership can improve the character and achievements of students of class X MIA 7 SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta.


Teaching History, Local Wisdom Asta Brata, Character Students

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