Analisis Penggunaan Metode Reciprocal Teaching Dalam Pembelajaran Sejarah (Studi Kasus Kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Mojolaban Sukoharjo)

Listie Shiella R., Herimanto Herimanto, Isawati Isawati


The purpose of this study is to (1) know the usefulness of the method Reciprocal Teaching in history learning; (2) know the  Learningprocess using the Reciprocal Teaching method inside historical learning; (3) knowing the effect of using the Reciprocal method Teaching the process and results of learning history; (4) knowing the constraint learning problem using the Reciprocal Teaching method inside.

This study used descriptive qualitative method. Research data collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis. Testing  the data is done through data triangulation and method triangulation.

The results of the study show that (1) the Reciprocal Teaching method in history learning; (2) The learning process using the Reciprocal Teaching method in historical learning consists of stages introduction, core and closing. In the implementation of this method has been done learning using the Reciprocal Teaching method in accordance with the material on the syllabus; (3) the use of the Reciprocal Teaching method has an effect on the process and results of learning history. Processes and Results are obtained from evaluations covering aspects of knowledge, skills and attitudes of students; (4) Constraints learning problems using the Reciprocal Teaching method inside historical learning is the lack of attention of students to lessons and just pay attention to the activities of students who act as teachers. Presence of "students teacher "is a new thing for students, their existence can be very interesting the attention of other students so that it disrupts the focus of student learning and the class becomes chaotic.


Reciprocal Teaching, Learning Methods, History Learning


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