Pengaruh Interaksi Terhadap Kepuasan Belajar dalam Pembelajaran Daring Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi FKIP UNS Angkatan 2018-2021

Dewi Anisa Nurjanah, Bambang Wasito Adi, Harini Harini


The purpose of this study are to determine whether there is any influence of interaction on learning satisfaction on online learning in students of FKIP UNS Economic Education batch 2018-2021. The population of this study were students of FKIP UNS Economic Education batch 2018-2021. There were 194 respondents as samples. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The data collection technique is by using a quistionnaire. This research employed quantitative method. The validity was tested using product moment correlation coefficient and the reliability was using Cronbach’s Alpha. The techique of data analysis used was descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis. The research showing that there is a positive and significant interaction on learning satisfaction on online learning in students of FKIP UNS Economic Education batch 2018-2021, which is indicated by the value of tcount > ttable i.e. 7,671> 1,972.


interaction; learning satisfaction; online learning


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