Pengaruh Lingkungan Keluarga Terhadap Keefektifan Pembelajaran Daring Mahasiswa FKIP UNS Angkatan 2019

Tiara Diah Utami, Jonet Ariyanto Nugroho, Khersna Bayu Sangka


This study was to determine the effect of the family environment on the effectiveness of learning for FKIP UNS students batch 2019 in the Kentingan campus area. This research method is quantitative descriptive, by taking a population of 1436 FKIP UNS students batch 2019 in the Kentingan campus area, totaling 18 study programs and the sample used is 313 students, data processing uses SPSS version 23 program assistance. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, data analysis techniques namely simple linear regression with the results obtained that there is a positive and significant relationship between the family environment on the effectiveness of online learning, which can be known through the t test, namely the value of tcount (9.968) > ttable (1.967221) with a value of 0.000 <0.05 . This research provides benefits to the field of science related to the effectiveness of online learning 


family environment; effectiveness of online learning


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