Pengaruh Kelas Industri dan Internal Locus of Control Terhadap Kesiapan Kerja Siswa SMK Bisnis Daring dan Pemasaran di Surakarta

Yohanita Riswati, Mintasih Indriayu, Salman Alfarisy Totalia


This study is to determine the effect of (1) the application of industrial classes on the work readiness of vocational students, (2) internal locus of control on the work readiness of vocational students, (3) the application of industrial classes and internal locus of control on the work readiness of vocational students. This research is a quantitative research with research subjects are students of industrial class XI and XII of the Online Business and Marketing Expertise Program in Surakarta City with a total of 103 students who are used as samples. The sampling technique used is proportional random sampling. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires/questionnaires. Analysis of the data used is multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that: First, there is a significant influence between the application of industrial classes on the work readiness of vocational students as indicated by the results of the t count > t table, namely 10,216 > 1,983. Second, there is a positive and significant influence between the internal locus of control on the work readiness of vocational students with the results obtained t count > t table, namely 3,045 > 1,983. Third, there is a positive and significant effect between the application of industrial class and internal locus of control on the work readiness of SMK students as indicated by the result that the calculated F value 186, 638 is greater than the F table 3,09


industrial class; internal locus of control; work readiness


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