Efektivitas Implementasi Kurikulum International Baccalaureate (IB) Pada Pembelejaran Ekonomi Kelas X di SMA Al Firdaus Sukoharjo

Bagus Aji, Trisno Martono, Sudarno Sudarno


This study aimed to determine (1) a concrete description of the International Baccalaureate curriculum implementation at Al Firdaus Sukoharjo High School; (2) A concrete description of the effectiveness of the implementation of the International Baccalaureate curriculum in the learning  process  of  class  X  economics  at  Al  Firdaus  Sukoharjo  High School.

This research was a qualitative research with the approach used is descriptive qualitative.  The data sources in this study were informants which included the Principal, MYP Coordinator, Educational Expert Staff, Economics Teachers, and Students. Research data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and document studies. Test the validity of the data by method triangulation and source triangulation. Analysis of Miles and Huberman model data with the activities of data reduction techniques, data presentation, data verification.

Result of the study showed that: (1), the implementation of the International  Baccalaureate  curriculum  at  Al  Firdaus  Sukoharjo  High School refers to the standards set by the International Baccalaureate Organization internationally and was adjusted to the national education standards  in  Indonesia.  The  International  Baccalaureate  curriculum  was used as a learning framework in schools while the content of the material was   adapted to the national curriculum. (2), the effectiveness of the implementation of the International Baccalaureate curriculum refers to the standards according to regulations made by the IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization) that have been agreed around the world. Based on the standards set by the International Baccalaureate Organization in

2018 that the effectiveness of the implementation of the IB curriculum can be known through an effective learning process, and graduate competence. The implementation of the International Baccalaureate Curriculum at Al Firdaus Sukoharjo High School has been effective, although there are some obstacles in the adjustment process. These constraints can be overcome by providing assistance   from   IB   consultants   or   through   school   policy   programs


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